


Director’s Message,


Regardless of our individual politics, regardless of what political party we may belong to or may identify with, Dear Reader, we are witnessing history with the nomination of Kamela Harris for President of these United States. I can imagine those Civil Rights leaders and workers of our history looking on from that great final resting place beyond and rejoicing in this moment with us. People like American voting and women’s right activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker and Ida B. Wells and Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis and everyone involved in the March in Selma, Alabama for voting and freedom rights and all of the many caring soldiers who have lost their lives in this fight: James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, the three
young men who were murdered during their attempts of helping their fellow men and women gain basic rights.

This list goes on and on and on. I can imagine United States Representative, Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman to run for the office of President of these United States some fifty two years ago, saluting this moment in history.

It is absolutely not my intention to name all of the soldiers in this ongoing struggle for equal rights for their fellow man, woman and child. There is no way that I could name them all. I am just envisioning all of the many, many, many caring souls looking down on this moment of history and smiling with a positive two thumbs up rating. What a photo of encouragement that would make.

Love always,



The Center needs to be financially sustainable. We are about to open and have more enlightening programs and events that will bring in some much needed revenue, but to truly be on solid footing going forward, we need less spotty revenue coming in. To help us gain that solid footing, I am asking, I am praying for, at least 300 supporters of the Center to commit to continually donating $10.00 a month to the Center. This would be an ongoing donation support that the Center would be able to count on going forward. Believe me, it would help so much.

 At the end of each year, I will send you a record of your donations. We are a 501 (c) 3 and as such, every donation anyone gives to the Center is Tax Deductible. We thank you in advance.

 Donations can be sent to the African American Center for Cultural Development (The Center), PO Box 240, Olean, NY 14760 or to the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation at 201 N. Union St. #203, Olean, NY 14760 in support of the Center. Or you can click on the Donation Button below that goes directly to our account at the Foundation.  Donations can also be made through Venmo, if you wish.

 I will be charging for some of our events, in an effort to help, but our members and the 300 will be given a discount. And will be on our mailing list for alerts for upcoming events and news.

 That’s all for now. Thank you for all your support. God bless you.




PS: Please take this opportunity to help the efforts of the Center by using the button below to contribute to the Center.  Whatever you can donate will be greatly appreciated and much needed.  Remember that we are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and every penny you donate to help us is tax deductible. 

As always,





Support The Center

The Center has established a fund at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation to support our fundraising goals. You can donate to the fund to support the Center by using the button below.

Donate Now Button 2